Radical Digital Transformation: How User Research Hub is Revolutionising High-Tech SMMEs to Drive Economic Growth in the Developing World
User Research Hub has recently been accepted as the pioneer in building high-tech products through the adoption of open source ecosystem and big data analytic platforms. By employing the fundamental building blocks for achieving superior efficiency (i.e. usability, success, excellence and reliability), SMMEs can deliver more engaging, easy to use, and accessible mobile web platforms to the users. User Research Hub is helping SMMEs to store and/or backup their useful data for further analysis, visualisation and sharing with other stakeholders from various fields or industry sectors.
World leading start-ups have successfully cultivated a data-driven culture through the adoption of open source, big data and analytics driven by user experience. For this reason, a Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) architecture is at the heart of many diverse types of user research projects aiming to extract useful information from large multifaceted datasets. Several user research studies have demonstrated that an MPP databases can efficiently handle very large datasets on different machines in a cluster based on Apache Hadoop foundation project. Addressing the needs of high-performance data distribution and computing platforms of the 21st-century businesses means using software to manage tasks through process workload automation.
A workload, in this context, can be understood as a means of processing amount of information and manage tasks at any given time without human intervention. Several studies have noted the lack of understanding on the use of appropriate computing platforms for workloads application, such as in data extraction and machine learning tasks. The argument is based on the complexity of analytical workloads to analyse the data required to find critical information. In the same line of thoughts, User Research Hub affirms that Hadoop is suitable for supporting workloads on data mining and machine learning applications. Hadoop as a High-Performance Computing (HPC) framework is established using open source apache foundation project, a java-based programming platform supporting the processing and storage of extremely large datasets in a distributed computing environment.
Image: University of Arizona
Similarly, HPC refers to the use of parallel processing for running advanced computing programs and sophisticated applications. For example, also noted by other researchers, high processing demand of medical data has given rise to the implementation in high-end server platforms based on Apache Hadoop. HPC users are also evolving and moving towards hyper-scale computing space. The term hyper-scale describes a system capable of handling massive quantities of data from web servers, database, data analysis and HPC. The leading cloud computing firms such as Amazon cluster compute instances have largely improved HPC experience in the cloud. Hyperscale computing is powered by open source software platforms enabling data centres to become more efficient and cost effective whilst helping organisations becoming agile. Although it is generally accepted that HPC can be interpreted in the same way or used synonymously with the term ‘supercomputing’, but technically, a supercomputer is a system that performs at the highest operational rate for computers. To put matters into perspective, HPC function above a teraflop or 1012 floating-point operations per second whereas supercomputers work at more than a petaflop or 1015 floating point operations per second.
User Research Hub holds a promise for High-Tech SMMEs and Startups at large to create sustainable business models whilst competing with well-established counterparts. Data driven business models when coupled with big data, cloud computing and open source ecosystem can play a significant role to address key challenges facing SMMEs in the developing word. This can be done by building relationships and partnerships with other small players, Startups, Tech Hobbyists or Freelancers emerging from well-established economies. Through the adoption of disruptive innovations driven by open source, and cloud computing ecosystem, it is possible for SMMEs to achieve superior advantages that demonstrate the net benefits over a long term.
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